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Toroidal Bend
The Toroidal Bend command bends solids, surfaces or datum curves into
shapes.This command is used to create tire-like structures,where you need to
create operations on a flat surface and then bend it.
The Command creates two blends.You can bend the section with a bend
profile and then create a toroid.A coordinate system should be defined in bend
profile to define the neutral plane. The following task explains how to create
a toroidal bend.
To create Toroidal Bend:
- Open the part file toroidalbend.prt.
- Choose Insert > Advanced > Toroidal Bend… from the Main Menu.The Menu Manager appears displaying the options for toroidal bend.
Variable, 90,180,270 and 360: Specify the toroidal bend
CrvBendContract: Datum
curves are contracted radially while bending.
Datum curves are not contracted while bending.
Datum curves remain planar and are contracted with the neutral plane.
CrvBendExpand: Datum
curves remain planar and are expanded within the neutral plane
- Select 360 > CrvBendContract in the OPTIONS menu and click Done.
- In the DEFINE BEND menu click ADD. Select the top surface of the modeland then click Done.
- Now,Pro/E prompts you to set a sketching plane to draw the bend profile. Select the sketching plane and accept the default normal direction.
- Select Default as the SKETVIEW. Add left and right edges as references in the References dialog box.
- Construct the sketch with the coordinate system.
- Exit the Sketcher Window.
- Select the two ends of the model to define the references for the toroidal bend.
- Hence the Toroidal Bend is created.
nice tutorial..............